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"Love is patient, love is kind.  It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs."

1 Corinthians 13.4

Welcome to the beautiful sacrament of Holy Matrimony!


In our Catholic Church, matrimony is not only a sacred sacrament but also a cherished legal institution.  It is a celebration of love, commitment, sacrifice, and lifelong devotion.  As we embark on this journey together, let's explore the warm and inviting essence of Holy Matrimony.


Marriage is not just reserved for couples madly in love; it is a blessing for any couple devoted to one another, no matter their feelings at the moment.

Wedding in Cana - Paolo Veronese 1562.png

The Wedding at Cana  - Paolo Veronese

c. 1562  -  The Louvre (Paris)  -  Public Domain

Love may ebb and flow, but the commitment remains steadfast.  It is in this commitment that couples find the strength to weather life's storms together, hand in hand.


In matrimony, love and happiness intertwine with sacrifice and dedication.  It calls for selflessness and the willingness to give of oneself fully to the other.  It is through these acts of love that a marriage thrives and blossoms into something truly beautiful.


While Holy Matrimony does not guarantee a perfect marriage, it offers essential tools to build a strong and lasting relationship.  Our faith provides guidance and support, fostering an environment where couples can grow in love and understanding.


Marriage extends beyond the union of two souls; it touches the lives of families and friends too.  Their support and encouragement play a vital role in making a marriage successful.  Embracing their love and support creates a powerful network that nurtures the bond between husband and wife.


Couples planning to be married are invited to contact the parish office at least 6 months in advance of their desired date of marriage to begin the prenuptial sacramental preparations.



  • We cannot schedule weddings prior to one and a half years of the desired date.

  • Both bride & groom must be free to marry. That means this is the first marriage for both, or one’s prior spouse must have died, or one or both parties have received a divorce and annulment.

  • Either the bride or groom must reside in the parish boundaries (If not, you must obtain a letter of delegation from your current pastor or be a current, practicing member of Holy Redeemer and have chosen Holy Redeemer as one’s legitimate parish)

The sacrament of marriage is a lifelong commitment, a promise to stand by each other's side through thick and thin, for better or worse.  It is a profound expression of the love and trust we share, and it echoes the enduring love that God has for us.


As we celebrate Holy Matrimony, we are reminded that it is one of the most beautiful gifts bestowed upon us by God.  It allows us to experience a love that transcends the ordinary, a love that is patient, kind, and enduring.  In this sacred union, we find joy, fulfillment, and the purest form of happiness.


So, whether you are planning to embark on this extraordinary journey or simply want to celebrate the beauty of Holy Matrimony, know that our doors are always open, welcoming you with open arms.  Together, let us share in the love, warmth, and blessings of this sacred sacrament as we grow in faith and love.


May your hearts be filled with joy as you embrace the lifelong adventure of Holy Matrimony!

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