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"Your sins are forgiven."  (Luke 5.20)

Before the time of Christ, people sought forgiveness through the virtue of penance.  Even today, for those outside the Church and without access to the sacrament of Penance, penance remains the only way to seek forgiveness.


Jesus knew that sometimes we might stumble and make mistakes, even after our Baptism.  But He understood our human nature and knew that we might need a chance to make things right.  That's why He lovingly established the sacrament of Reconciliation, where a priest, as God's messenger, forgives our sins when we're genuinely sorry and ready to make amends.


When Jesus appeared to His Apostles on Easter Sunday. They were gathered in the Upper Room, still processing the events of the Last Supper and the crucifixion.  In that moment of fear and hope, Jesus offered them peace and bestowed upon them the power to forgive sins - a power that has been passed down through generations.


Isn't it amazing to think that Jesus' saving grace extends to all of us, including you and me?  He came to save everyone who is willing to accept His love and mercy, no matter where or when they live.


The sacrament of Reconciliation is a true blessing.  It not only reconciles us with God but also restores grace to our souls, like a refreshing spring that renews our spiritual life.


It's comforting to know that no matter what sins we might have committed, big or small, Reconciliation offers us a chance to wipe the slate clean.  It takes away the burden of guilt and helps us move forward with hope and joy.


When we confess our sins, it's like opening the curtains to let the light shine into our hearts.  God's love and forgiveness flood in, dispelling darkness and filling us with His grace.

Communion of the Apostles _ Luca Signorelli_1512.png

Communion of the Apostles  -  Luca Signorelli

c. 1512  -  Diocesan Museum in Cortona

Public Domain

Do you, your child or someone you know want to make their First Reconciliation / First Communion?

Please click on the online Request Form, complete and submit it.

Upon receipt of the form, we will contact you to discuss the details relating to preparing for and celebrating First Reconciliation / First Communion.

Reconciliation is more than just a one-time event.  It's like a loving embrace that strengthens and sustains us on our journey.  When we confess regularly, it helps us stay on the right path and resist the temptations that life throws our way.


The beauty of Reconciliation lies in the profound peace it brings to our souls.  We can rest assured that we are in harmony with God and His loving plan for us.


If you're new to the Catholic Church, don't worry if Reconciliation feels unfamiliar or intimidating at first.  Many newcomers have felt the same way.  But once they experience the tender embrace of God's forgiveness, they come to treasure this sacrament as a source of comfort and spiritual growth.


If you ever feel the need to seek forgiveness or simply want to draw closer to God, know that the doors of Reconciliation are always open, waiting to welcome you with love and understanding.


May God's infinite mercy and grace fill your heart and guide you on your journey of faith!

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